Displaying items by tag: Sales

Tech entrepreneurs Jamie and Jilea Hemmings have launched a mobile platform called Best Tyme, helping physicians and medical sales reps coordinate meetings. The app allows clinicians to set preferences for when and how sales reps meet with them, and sales reps to structure their day by zip-code with an automatic calendar, meals and even routing function!

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Monday, 08 August 2016 07:03

Black Woman is Top Mary Kay Sales Director

What started as a small goal to make $200 extra dollars a month turned into a record-setting accomplishment and extraordinary success story for Mary Kay Independent Elite Executive National Sales Director Gloria Mayfield Banks. The Detroit, Mich. native is the first African American woman to hold the number one position within Mary Kay's...

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If you act confident enough, you will become confident enough....

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Wednesday, 26 August 2015 00:33

Don King Celebrates 84 Years of Life

    The indefatigable American institution that has evolved as the persona of Don King celebrated his 84th birthday on August 20, but age is not standing a chance of slowing down the greatest boxing promoter in the history of the world. King who was born in the ghetto of Cleveland in 1931 he often says; “give me my flowers and roses when I can sme...

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Thursday, 16 October 2014 08:00

4 Tips for Pursuing Government Contracts

Searching for new, paying clients? Here's what you need to know to score opportunities for small businesses and women- or minority-owned firms....

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Kenna Zemedkun has launched television shows, carved out his own music genre, created new ways of raising money for the issues he cares about and helped overhaul a social networking site....

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Visionaries often hear 'no' when they first propose their big ideas. Find out when you should or shouldn't take no for an answer, and how to turn that no into a yes....

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Thursday, 04 July 2013 08:00

The Only 8 Reasons Companies Will Buy From You

To appeal to a B2B customer, your sales message and approach must address one or more of these issues.There are eight (and only eight) reasons that companies buy things from other companies. You ability to sell B2B is directly dependent upon your ability to appeal to one or more (or all) of these reasons:1. Revenue improvement.Every company is...

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Want to grow your business? Be prepared to "become obsessed" with being a great salesperson, says one successful entrepreneur.You may believe your business is fundamentally about the product or service you're offering. Think again. "If you are really serious about entrepreneurship, if you are really serious about growing your business, you will...

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Monday, 01 April 2013 08:00

The Most Important Sales Skill of All

Here is a four step process to hone your ability to successfully sell anything to anyone.It doesn't matter how good your product is. It doesn't matter how smart your marketing is. It doesn't matter how personable and knowledgeable you are. If you can't close the deal, your company is a waste of time and energy.The best way to learn this essential...

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