Tech entrepreneurs Jamie and Jilea Hemmings have launched a mobile platform called Best Tyme, helping physicians and medical sales reps coordinate meetings. The app allows clinicians to set preferences for when and how sales reps meet with them, and sales reps to structure their day by zip-code with an automatic calendar, meals and even routing function!
"We are thrilled to launch Best Tyme to the market," said Jilea, Best Tyme's CEO and Co-founder. "Our Feb 1 launch is going to revolutionize how doctors and medical sales representatives schedule appointments and at the same time show the potential of black innovators in the space.”
Modern medicine coexists with, and informs, pharmaceutical research and development efforts. However, as any practicing clinician knows, workday time is precious and even more precious is a doctor’s attention.
Most physicians prefer to critically evaluate novel pharmaceutical products and that is best done when meetings with sales reps are concise, convenient and on-point.
The BestTyme app is poised to help doctors take control of when and how they interact with medical sales reps and advance high-quality communication between the two disciplines.
The BestTyme app is designed for physicians.
With the BestTyme app, office staff can refer all sales reps to a central source where physicians have set food preferences and available appointment times. This is a simple yet powerful way to coordinate pharmaceutical sales visits and lunches and take control of a busy practice while staying up-to-date on the latest advances.
As an added bonus, our data shows this simple trick can reduce clinic administrative staff time by up to 10 hours per week.
“My administrative staff absolutely LOVE Best Tyme! Any time new reps call, my staff refers them to Best Tyme so that they can schedule appointments directly with me,” one [Chicago area] clinician said.
The BestTyme app is also designed for sales reps.
With the BestTyme app sales reps can enter the zip code they want to target and instantly generate a full schedule for the day. The app adds GPS routing and food order functions and even lets you update physicians as you go!
This is a simple yet powerful way for reps to optimize face-time with clinicians. Not only can they minimize friction with office staff, they can address each client’s preferences for time and setting to make for higher-quality interactions.
This app saves time for busy sales reps. One Fort Lauderdale rep said: “In less than 30 minutes, I scheduled five new appointments. The best part: I didn’t even make one call!”
The app is available on iPad, Android, iOS and web. Free trial downloads are also available on the Apple & Google App stores. Once the trial is complete there is a monthly subscription for the representatives.