Displaying items by tag: Investments

If you were wondering whether or not millennials are buying homes, the answer is yes…a lot of them. For the last five years in a row millennial represented the largest share of the housing market, capturing 36 percent market share, according to Anna DeSimone, author of Housing Finance 2020 and a housing advocate.

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Black and minority students at five school districts in the Washington, D.C. region will be beneficiaries of a $6 million commitment by JPMorgan Chase to help train and equip youth to land well-paying tech jobs.

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In a move that could see more investments for startup founders of color, rapper and business mogul Jay-Z is launching Marcy Venture Capital Partners in partnership with Roc Nation President Jay Brown and Silicon Valley veteran Larry Marcus, whose investments focus on digital media and consumer services.

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Vodacom Group, Africa’s second largest mobile communications company, will pay out approximately $1.3 billion to its black investors as part of the company’s participation in the black economic empowerment (BEE) effort, enforced by South African law.

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The racial and gender makeup of investment boards is tied directly to the investment decisions they make, especially when it comes to funding companies led by people of color or female founders, according to a new study released by the U.S. Small Business Administration.SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet highlighted the importance of the...

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Thursday, 22 September 2016 12:41

Black Homeownership on Steady Decline

The homeownership rate in the Black community was at nearly 50 percent a dozen years ago. Today, the figure stands at 41.5 percent and could get worse, experts warn....

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The stars are shinning bright for Brown Capital Management this year. A small, talented team of portfolio managers propelled the BE 100s’ financial services company to becoming the first minority-owned firm to earn a series of coveted recognitions from Morningstar, the independent investment research and management company.Brown Capital’s Small C...

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The Center for Venture Research estimates that U.S. angel investors invested $24.1 billion in 73, 4000 small businesses in 2014. Many of the investments were in startup or very early stage companies. Yet, less than 1% of all U.S. private equity is invested in black owned businesses. What’s more, minorities account for less than 5% of the angel p...

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June is National Home Ownership Month. The goal of the month-long initiative is to develop programs and incentives to help every American citizen realize the dream of homeownership....

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“I’ve always believed that the information I know is no good to me if I’m not sharing it with others,” said sales agent, Lisa Puerto about her book, "Real Estate 100: The Teen Home Buying Experience" Throughout her nine year career a thorough and innate knowledge of money and people has aided Lisa Puerto in her quest to help community members achie...

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