Displaying items by tag: Inclusion

The city of Detroit has two problems when it comes to the multimillion-dollar residential projects popping up all around the city: inclusiveness to African-Americans living in them and African-Americans developing them. At least one of those issues were addressed for the three new residential projects being developed in the city’s historic Brush Park neighborhood on the outskirts of downtown.

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At its annual business meeting held recently in Erlanger, Kentucky, Toyota Motor North America, Inc. (TMNA) discussed goals and objectives with direct and indirect suppliers in preparation for the new fiscal year.  As customary at these meetings, Toyota, the world’s largest auto maker, honored suppliers who have exceeded the company’s expe...

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William Staple and Dion Pye have sued their former employer, JL Schwieters Construction, Inc., for race discrimination and harassment. Represented by the law firm of Schaefer Halleen, LLC, Staple and Pye brought suit against JL Schwieters today,......

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A U.S. District Court judge moved forward a $10 billion lawsuit against Charter Communications for alleged discrimination in contracting in violation of Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act. The lawsuit on behalf of African American-owned media networks is being spearheaded by Byron Allen, comedian and CEO of Entertainment Studios Networks Inc....

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The racial and gender makeup of investment boards is tied directly to the investment decisions they make, especially when it comes to funding companies led by people of color or female founders, according to a new study released by the U.S. Small Business Administration.SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet highlighted the importance of the...

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The Rainbow PUSH Coalition has presented Glenda Gill with the "Keep Hope Alive Award" at their 17th Annual Global Automotive Summit at the MGM Grand Detroit. The award recognizes Ms. Gill for her career-long work of advocating for social and......

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On Thursday afternoon, speakers from the marijuana industry will address a Capitol Hill audience on the topic of diversity in the cannabis industry. With 25 states and the District of Columbia choosing to end cannabis prohibition in one form or another, the resulting legalized marketplace for its sale has currently been estimated at $7.1 billion...

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AT&T, Walmart, GM, and Microsoft all have one thing in common; they can be found among 21 major corporations on the Billion Dollar Roundtable, a group that spends at least one billion dollars with tier 1 minority and women-owned business enterprises. In a world of minority purchasing, the Billion Dollar Roundtable stands out.Billion Dollar...

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The federal government spends about $1 billion on advertising services, but history continues to show that small businesses and local and minority-owned media companies are mostly left out....

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Thursday, 03 March 2016 08:00

The Boston construction industry

The proliferation of sleek office buildings and condo towers rising in Boston’s downtown neighborhoods attests to the fact that Boston is in the midst of its largest building boom since the stately mansions of the Back Bay rose from the landfill in the late 1800s. For blacks in design, construction and related industries, Boston’s current building...

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