Displaying items by tag: Startup Basics

Tuesday, 11 December 2018 12:59

Tips to help launch a successful business

Entrepreneurship is alive and well, even if the face of small business is evolving with the times. Autonomy in management and making dreams a reality are the reasons most cited by entrepreneurs looking to open a small business.

Nearly half of all respondents in the annual The UPS Store “Inside Small Business Survey” said they’d be optimistic about opening a small business this year. Of respondents who hope to open a small business, top motivators include being their own bosses [38 percent], followed by believing in the power of their own ideas [17 percent] and creating their next career paths [15 percent].

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With the help of a $300,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the HBA has launched The Lillian Project to help low-income, African American women in Harlem become entrepreneurs. TNJ Senior Editor Sergie Willoughby recently spoke to Gina Ramcharan, project director of The Lillian Project, and Regina Smith, exec. dir. of the HBA, to find out...

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Sometimes what's stopping you is you: Telling the difference between caution and fear, between addressing risks and making them up....

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Friday, 12 February 2016 08:00

5 Most Common Excuses of Wannabe Entrepreneurs

There are ample resources and opportunities for you to take your ideas to the next level. All that's left is for you to take them!...

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Tuesday, 26 January 2016 08:00

Stop Learning Entrepreneurship and Just Start

Past a certain point reading another book about success or taking one more motivational class is simply procrastinating....

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Award-winning author, sales expert, motivational speaker and millionaire Kinja Dixon retired at the age of 34 after achieving financial freedom. He made a special visit to Overtown Youth Center to share his knowledge on how to build and maintain wealth. Dixon also signed copies of his book “Universal Talk Laws and gave free copies to the youth in a...

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Passion is necessary but not sufficient fuel to turn a bright idea into a successful business....

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Nowadays, social media has given a lot of people a false sense of reality on what it takes to build a successful business. But most entrepreneurs would agree, it takes blood, sweat, and years; a whole lot of sacrifice to start and grow a company.Whether you’re on a mission to change the world or become the next billionaire, here are four...

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Monday, 28 September 2015 08:00

What Failure Can Teach Entrepreneurs

'If you haven't fallen, you haven't walked.' Think about how these words apply to your own experience....

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Thursday, 21 May 2015 08:00

7 Skills You’ll Need To Start Any Business

Most people have heard the story that many startups will fail in the first five years, as much as 80%. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, About half of all new establishments survive five years or more and about one-third survive 10 years or more. The probability of survival increases with a firm’s age. What’s more, survival rates have c...

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