Millionaire Kinja Dixon teaches teens secrets to success

Written by The Miami Times

Award-winning author, sales expert, motivational speaker and millionaire Kinja Dixon retired at the age of 34 after achieving financial freedom. He made a special visit to Overtown Youth Center to share his knowledge on how to build and maintain wealth. Dixon also signed copies of his book “Universal Talk Laws and gave free copies to the youth in attendance.” The event was presented in association with Miami Hospitality Group and Supercars of Miami.

After asking his audience of more than 50 youth if he could give them some key information so they wouldn’t have to make the same mistakes he’d made, Dixon said, “There was a point in my life where I didn’t think it was possible for me to ever have a million dollars or two million. I didn’t know what that was. There were certain things that I had to find out,” Dixon said.

Dixon, now 36, found those things out through various life experiences. He grew up with his mother in a one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. Before earning his fortune through sales and investments, Dixon did a two-year stint in the United States Air Force, became a carpenter and ultimately found a gift for telemarketing through which he made $80,000 a year. After being laid off from that position at age 24, Dixon said someone told him about investments and to change the way he looked at money.

So he went and bought the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and said it changed his life. “Your life is all dependent on how you look at it. I was looking at life differently,” Dixon said. He told the youth there were two major ways to make money. “You will either work for money or you will learn how to have money work for you,” Dixon said.

The youth at OYC really enjoyed Dixon’s presentation late last year. Tauheeda Huggins, a sophomore at Booker T. Washington, said he motivated her to be like him.

“Kinja Dixon was very inspiring. He lured me in with his energy and his pointers about success. I aspire to be like him one day, living comfortably and owning my own business after years of hard work,” Tauheeda said.

Dixon gave the youth other practical pointers including encouraging them to save 20 percent of every dollar they earned. He said he is honored to be able to share his knowledge with people of all ages. Though he initially targeted colleges and universities with his message, Dixon changed his approach November 2014 after he was asked to speak at Hines Middle School in Virginia. He noticed the transformative impact his words had on the group when they changed the entire school model based on his presentation.

“I believe it’s almost my duty to fill the gap in all realms due to my unique life path and to help in any way possible with every single demographic and age range that I can reach,” Dixon said. “My goal is to give them an emotional experience filled with an abundance of information that I wish I had clearly given to me when I was in high school,” Dixon said.

Dixon’s next major projects include launching – a full interactive, virtual university process where people from all over of the world will be able to log-in and go through a schooling Dixon created with a company called Light Speed. Dixon will also be producing Recreation Encounter, a theatrical performance through which he desires people to come in and leave with the same feelings the youth who see him speak do.

Dixon said at this point in his life he is concerned more about using his gifts to change lives than he is about making money.

“It’s about creativity and impact versus monetary. It was different from the financial plan that my accountant created. I stepped away from that and did what was in my heart. MY goal when I retired was to literally increase the value of the world,” Dixon said.

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