Displaying items by tag: Motivation

Wednesday, 20 February 2013 08:00

10 Best Reasons to Be an Entrepreneur

When the work is hard and the hours are long, these are the reasons founders keep doing what they do.I recently asked fellow members of the Young Entrepreneur Council--an invite-only organization made up of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs--just what it is that makes them work so hard. Money? Success? Autonomy? Or do entrepreneurs...

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Friday, 15 February 2013 08:00

Afraid to Start Up? Conquer Those Fears

The No. 1 factor that prevents entrepreneurs from starting a new company or meeting goals is fear. Simple ways to check your fears at the door.I interview entrepreneurs every week for my radio show. I also coach business owners over coffee and cheap bar food. The recurring theme across these conversations: overcoming fear.We all have fears. But...

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013 08:00

Turn Rejection Into Success: 5 Tips

The number of rejections you get is usually proportional to the success you achieve.The fear of rejection is the bane of success. If you're afraid that people (customers, employees, coworkers, colleagues, etc.) will reject you, you'll avoid making difficult calls and your fear will make you less effective.Conquering that fear is only the start,...

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013 08:00

Feeling Stuck? 3 Ways to Get Moving

Do you feel like you have stalled or reached your limit? Here are three ways to break through and get things moving onward and upward.Just when you felt like you were making good progress, everything comes to a grinding halt. It becomes clearly apparent that what's worked before is no longer what works today. So you push harder and struggle and...

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Wednesday, 16 January 2013 08:00

Crushing Defeat: You Better Love It

Show me a great entrepreneur or business leader, and I'll show you someone who has experienced disaster. It comes with the territory.Very few people lead charmed lives. Careers, even great ones, almost never shoot straight up and to the right. Instead, they behave a lot like roller coasters, reflecting the ups and downs of eventful lives. And if...

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Wednesday, 16 January 2013 08:00

Train Yourself to Be an Optimist: 4 Steps

Optimistic people are happier, healthier, more successful, and have longer lives. You can be one of them.Some people seem to have a sunny disposition, while others always focus on the darker side of things. Are they just born that way? Yes, to some degree, says Jason Selk, mental coach and author of Executive Toughness. But it may surprise you to...

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Friday, 11 January 2013 08:00

Working Hard? Crank That Music

Start-up mode can be a lonely time for driven entrepreneurs. Music can be a perfect companion to keep you energized. Here's the case for keeping some "flava' in ya' ear."You just never know where or when inspiration is going to strike. Late last year, I--and I'd like to think almost every Brooklynite!--sat down to watch the first Brooklyn Nets vs....

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Wednesday, 09 January 2013 08:00

5 Uncommon Thoughts That Guarantee Uncommon Success

Big ideas are great...but to be successful, all you need to do is decide you'll think differently than other people.It's hard to think differently and be able to dream new dreams. We'd all like to be visionary thinkers like Branson, Bezos, and Buffett (the Three Bs of Bold Thinking) and achieve great things.But most of us aren't bold visionaries....

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If the holidays weren't as kind to your startup as you would have liked, here are some tips for helping you withstand leaner times....

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Wednesday, 14 November 2012 08:00

3 Signs It's Time to Quit Your Day Job

You can't choose a path to entrepreneurship - it chooses you. Here are three signs that it's time to leave your corporate job and start chasing your dream.Ambitious people usually don't work well under corporate confines. If you're an entrepreneur at heart your passion will, eventually, lead you elsewhere.Before starting Avondale, we each had...

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