Starting a business it tough, staying business is even tougher. The fact remains that about 33% of all new ventures close down within two years, and about 50% are out of business within five years, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. Only 1 out of four is still around 15 years after opening. However, studies also show that failed...
Rather than quitting, look for alternatives: pivot the business model or merge with new partners for support....
No matter how you define rich, this is the only way to get there. Want to be remarkably successful? Want to get really rich? (While there are many ways to feel "rich," in this case we're talking about monetary wealth.) Then check out this little gem of an investment opportunity.It's a simple investment. You only have to invest almost all of your...
Magic Johnson doesn’t fit neatly into any box. He is a retired pro basketball star who has reinvented himself to become a mega-entrepreneur that’s smashed nearly every glass ceiling......
A new study from the Center for American Progress, 'The State of Women of Color in the United States,' illustrates the significant gains African-American women have made in the realm of business......
Building a business is about being focused and smart about the world and about how you deal with people.Sure, it's important to get good grades. Kids with better grades have more options. They get into better colleges and grad schools and then make their way to good jobs. And because grades are all that a kid has to show when first entering the...
Overall, Americans are starting to recover from the Great Recession and it is possible many people do not feel the sting of living paycheck......
Complaining about the unfairness of life is the best way to fail at it.Life isn't fair.Everyone hears that statement from the time they're in diapers but even so, many people pretend it isn't so. Rather than accept that simple reality, they go on and on about "equality of opportunity," "equality of outcome," and "meritocracies."But life isn't fair....
The road between just a bad day and an all-out miserable day is short--especially if you make any of these things habits.Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."Will your day be productive and positive or dreary and depressing? It's up to you. Do these six things and you're in for trouble.Judg...
Since April, when the $2 trillion COVID-19 Stimulus Bill was passed and the Small Business…
Read MoreThe landscape of summer artist shows and vending spaces has come to an abrupt stop…
Read MoreChaymeriyia Moncrief is a tech entrepreneur from Alabama who is the founder and CEO of…
Read MoreOneUnited Bank, the largest Black-owned bank in the country, is proud to announce the launch…
Read MoreSouth Los Angeles businesses are experiencing a renaissance. COVID-19 has presented obstacles and setbacks, however,…
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