Need help getting from where you are to where you want to be? That’s the question that Uchendi (Chin) Nwani poses to potential clients. Nwani is the owner of one of the largest barber styling schools in the United States. The young entrepreneur has literally clipped his way into the millionaires’ club and has discovered the secrets of working less, earning more, retiring early, and becoming financially free. Let’s look at some of Nwani’s success factors that made him a millionaire:
1. Locate the right shop. Successful companies and business owners always have a blueprint. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There is great benefit in working with mastermind groups. You can glean from the successes and failures of others in your industry. It’s important to emulate the patterns and habits of the successful. Identify the top three people in your industry. Don’t be afraid to contact them.
2. Tune out the noise. Meditation and visualization are essential steps in feeding your mind. Give yourself 15 minutes each morning and at the end of each day. Take that time to turn down the noise and mentally view yourself accomplishing your goals. You want to fall asleep thinking about your dreams. Your brain works while you sleep. Nwani has practiced these disciplines since 1995. He has witnessed his visualization sessions become reality. He attributes this process to opening the door for him to speak at Bishop Jakes’s Man Power Conference some years ago. Make time today to feed your mind, starting with 15 minutes. The results will show up after you become intentional and consistent.
3. Try out new styles. Never be afraid to step out and try something new and different to get the results you want. There are two ways to make money: One is by solving problems and the other is by helping other people make money. Your business model should incorporate both of these methods to maximize your revenue potential. Therefore, Nwani has written books, speaks, trains stylists and aspiring stylists, and consults with others to open their own schools. Think about new ways your business can serve your customers/clients at increased levels.
4. Keep your edges sharp. Daily personal development is vital. You must be prepared to handle the daily trials and tribulations of life. Les Brown, Bishop Jakes, and Michael Hyatt are just a few of the people that Nwani listens to daily. Keep your DVD, CD, and radio station tuned into positive information while you work and play. This will cause your mind to shift. Establish a daily personal development plan, and use it.
5. Don’t just sit in the chair. In order to work on your dreams beyond eight hours, you need sustained energy. There is no time limit on the investment of a dream. Some dreams require 10-, 12-, 16-hour days. Therefore, the foods you eat matter. Working out is important so you can have a body that’s healthy, nutritionally fit, and equipped to carry out your dreams. You can outwork others when your body is at its optimal functioning capacity. Today, invest in the value of your temple.
6. Go for the BIG chop. Do you know that it takes the same amount of energy to think small as it takes to think big? Be willing to live like others won’t temporarily, so you can live like others won’t permanently. The greatest investment is in you. Reinvest in yourself and your business to experience exponential growth. Be sure to live below your means now so you can live beyond your dreams later. Get rid of excess and what no longer serves your vision of success. Go full out and don’t small “tip” your million- dollar dreams.
Nwani is the CEO and founder of the International Barber & Style College and author of two published books, the latest of which is “The Millionaire Barber Stylist.” Nwani continues to give back to his community by supporting local businesses and providing mentorships and free barber style services.
Source: Black Enterprise Magazine