Paying attention to cash flow, competition and leadership quality are just a few things that can save your company in trying times....
Decision-making is a skill which requires constant practice.Although everyone knows that success results from good decisions, few people bother to hone their decision-making skills. The following step-by-step process will help you make decisions like a champ:1. Set a deadline.The opposite of decision-making is indecision. Indecision drags things...
Avoid these eight "traps," and your long-term success is assured.I recently received an e-mail from the motivational speaker and real estate investor Paul LeJoy. He's been wildly successful in real estate sales and has mentored and worked with dozens of entrepreneurs.In his e-mail, LeJoy identified eight pitfalls that lie athwart every pathway to...
Women who want to lead have their work cut out for them. Here's how to fight unhelpful expectations--and keep your own standards firmly in place.As Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg notes, it's harder for women to get to the top in a corporate environment, and also harder for them to stay there. In part, that's because the challenges of advancing...
Leaders sometimes make big mistakes that threaten their careers and companies. Here's how they recover and survive to lead again.We all make mistakes. Over the course of your professional life, you can count on making a few bad career choices. It comes with the territory. Still, those mistakes can really drag you down. And recovering from them is...
For some entrepreneurs prioritizing yourself can be a one of the biggest challenges. Here's how to learn to say no and set boundaries.Helping others, sharing, being kind, these are the sorts of values that have been instilled in most of us since kindergarten. And they're great values that make us better spouses, parents, neighbors and citizens.But...
There's only one thing to do when your plan hits a snag: Keep moving.“I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity.” -- The Navy SEAL CreedWhen my SEAL team was deployed in Iraq, one of our jobs was to identify and eliminate high value targets, or HVT’s. One night we were tasked with capturing a known terrorist in rural...
No matter what kind of leader you hope to be, you need to get people behind you. Here's how.In the early years of a business, it's easy to neglect -- or even forget entirely -- the importance of being a leader. A friend of mine who started a consulting business fell into just this trap. He had a clear idea of he wanted to do, and worked hard to...
Two authors look beyond the stereotypes to examine the research-based evidence about the leadership traits women possess. (Psst: They lead straight to success.)In the era of post-post-feminism, let's just admit it: Men and women are--or at least can be--different in certain ways. And some of those ways show up at the workplace. Some even show up...
Since April, when the $2 trillion COVID-19 Stimulus Bill was passed and the Small Business…
Read MoreThe landscape of summer artist shows and vending spaces has come to an abrupt stop…
Read MoreChaymeriyia Moncrief is a tech entrepreneur from Alabama who is the founder and CEO of…
Read MoreOneUnited Bank, the largest Black-owned bank in the country, is proud to announce the launch…
Read MoreSouth Los Angeles businesses are experiencing a renaissance. COVID-19 has presented obstacles and setbacks, however,…
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