Texas Black-Owned Bank Opens Branch in Atlanta

Written by The Atlanta Voice

There are names synonymous with community banking in the city of Atlanta, George G. Andrews must be included among them.

For more than 10 years, Andrews served as president and CEO of Capitol City Bank & Trust Company, a black-owned community bank in the Southwest community of Atlanta.

“We were extremely successful from the beginning. We provided many loans,” Andrews recalled with a fondness. “As a matter of fact, if you were to ride around the city in 1994 up until we closed in 2014, you would notice that much of the new construction in our community was financed by Capital City Bank & Trust Company.”

Unfortunately, in February 2015, Capitol City Bank was closed by the Georgia Department of Banking & Finance, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as the receiver.

In March, Unity National Bank—the only Black-owned bank in Texas—opened the doors of its first branch outside of Texas in downtown Atlanta at the corner of Peachtree Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. At its helm is none other than Andrews, who was tasked with opening and developing the new branch.

Unity National Bank is a full-service bank that offers all kinds of commercial loans as well as personal retail services. It also offers a variety of cash disbursement products. In the six months since its opening, Andrews said he is excited about the warm reception the bank has received from the community.

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