Black Firm Earns Contract with MGM Casino

Written by The Washington Informer

In addition to being African-Americans, Steven Horsford and Piper Overstreet share a lot in common.

They both have worked in the private sector, as entrepreneurs and in public service – Horsford served Nevada’s 4th Congressional District from 2013 to 2015 while Overstreet served as a District representative for U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley in Nevada’s 1st Congressional District.

Now with Horsford as president and Overstreet vice president, the pair’s R&R Resources +, a certified minority business enterprise, has been selected to oversee brand marketing efforts for MGM National Harbor, the $1.3 billion casino and resort project being constructed along the Potomac River in Prince George’s County.

“Part of the reason we’re working with MGM today is because of the experiences we had working with them in Las Vegas,” Horsford said.

“We decided to expand our presence here because of this great opportunity that MGM National Harbor provides and we’re excited about the fact that we’re now able to grow our business because of our relationship with MGM. They made a commitment to the state of Maryland and to the residents of Prince George’s County and we’re excited to be a part of that.”

R&R Resources is the agency of record for advertising and public relations for MGM, helping the massive-sized company to create their brand, local identification and getting out its message in a way that reaches an entire region, said Overstreet, an Alaskan-born resident who learned the ins and outs of advocacy work as a little girl whose parents were always politically active.

“I had known Steve for quite some time. I was a sole proprietor business owner and there came a point that I knew I wanted to move in a direction where I could expand and take on more clients and expand the type of clients that I had,” Overstreet said. “Steve and I had some conversations in the same circles and we decided to get together and explore.”

The history of that partnership has included launching companies, shaping pop culture, designing sustainable workforce development strategies, initiating multi-faceted communications campaigns and creating value for their clients.

The successful duo said they are on the cutting edge of diversity, workforce and marketing – something MGM officials could not ignore.

“[MGM] wanted a firm with strong expertise in the hospitality and gaming industries, as well as deep market knowledge and extensive relationships in the Greater Washington, D.C. area, all of which are assets to our business,” MGM National President Lorenzo Creighton told Casino City Times in Nevada.

Under the guidance of Horsford and Overstreet, both successful African-Americans, R&R Resources strongly fit what MGM sought.

“We’re very focused on workforce strategy efforts to help link companies with job seekers and to partner with the local community colleges and nonprofits so that people can get the training they need for the job,” Horsford said.

While MGM has continued to back up its pledges of hiring and working with local and minority firms and individuals, Horsford and Overstreet have also succeeded in implementing initiatives inside their firm to assist young minorities.

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