In 2006 Gwen Hurt was given a wine making kit for Christmas. She made120 bottles of Chianti. While trying to decide what to name her…
Just $1 of every $23 in conventional small business loans goes to a woman-owned business. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration minority small business…
Minority-owned banks are claiming that the federal government has shut them out of tax credits intended to spur economic development in under-served communities. They are…
Each year the many forms and products of predatory lending drain at minimum hundreds of billions of dollars from the nation's economy and communities across…
Shawn Prez isn't your typical CEO. He also isn't the average business owner....
Black business owners struggle to secure the types of funding that their larger counterparts easily obtain. Such capital would help them survive when a major…
Mike Muse, CEO of the record label Muse Recordings, is leading the conversations around the country on the business of music, pop culture and its…
A new report shows that the number of businesses owned by African-American women has grown 332 percent since 1997, according to Fortune magazine. The recently…...
CTA Welcomes New Locally Owned Concessions to Green Line by Kai EL’ Zabar Businesses Will Fill Vacant Concession Space and Improve Services at Cottage Grove at King Drive…...
The Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship, a nonprofit organization operating in the District of Columbia, 12 U.S. states, and 10 foreign countries, aims to inspire low-income…
Tucked away in a small shopping center, a few weeks before Haiti celebrates its fifth flag day since the earthquake, a restaurant played host to…
There was a welcome air of ethnic inclusion at the ceremonial ribbon-cutting event Monday as the Greater Miami Convention & Visitor’s Bureau (GMCVB) unveiled a…

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