It’s Not Just a Party: Quick Tips for Young Events Entrepreneurs

Written by Black Enterpise Magazine

Many party promoters love throwing a good party and cashing in their take from the door admissions or the bar—if they’re lucky. But what about giving people a full experience that will ensure long-term wealth and business success? Nowadays, just putting together a club night a your local hotspot won’t make you one of the heavy hitters of the events and marketing industry. It’s a good idea to become a brand that offers an multidimensional experience that stands out from the rest.

Take a cue from someone’s who’s made it happen: executive director and president of corporate event planning at Royalty Lifestyle Group, Soloman Nnanna. He and his fellow executives and staff offer marketing, entertainment, and other lifestyle services for clients including Arik Airlines and MoneyGram, and the company has expanded from hosting and managing events to becoming a full-service international brand. Here are a few quick tips to help you forge success:

Motivation: “Never let someone who has never done it, tell you it can’t be done. Starting a business is very stressful and there will be failures along the way but the level of success you achieve will be determined by how quickly you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep trucking.”

Relationship-Building: “Our startup capital came from my personal savings, but because of the relationships we were able to cultivate, Royalty Lifestyle Group remained sustainable and soon after, profitable.”

Brand Reputation: “People are more inclined to work with you if they feel you have their best interest at heart. [Their] time is valuable. Be careful with burnt bridges and scorned associates because the business circle is small and you never know where you might meet again.”

Source: Black Enterprise Magazine

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